"Daniel's Vision of Change"
Sunday School Lesson for March 3, 2013
Text: Daniel 7:9-14
discover that even the darkest of times cannot negate the sovereignty
of God
7:9-14 (CEB)
I was watching,
thrones were raised up.
The ancient one took his seat.
His clothes were white like snow;
his hair was like a lamb’s wool.
His throne was made of flame;
its wheels were blazing fire.
10A river of fire flowed out from his
thousands upon thousands served him;
ten thousand times ten thousand stood
ready to serve him!
The court sat in session; the scrolls
were opened.
11I kept watching. I watched from the
moment the horn started bragging until the beast was killed and its
body was destroyed, handed over to be burned with fire. 12Then
the authority of the remaining beasts was brought to an end, but they
were given an extension among the living for a set time and season.
13As I continued to watch this night
vision of mine, I suddenly saw
one like a human being
coming with the heavenly clouds.
He came to the ancient one
and was presented before him.
14Rule, glory, and kingship were given
to him;
all peoples, nations, and languages
will serve him.
His rule is an everlasting one—
it will never pass away!—
his kingship is indestructible.
Thoughts by Burgess Walter
will be the first to admit that I do not understand everything about
the Book of Daniel. My knowledge now is far more cloudy and than what
I thought I knew when I accepted the interpretations I was taught at
a younger age.
now believe it possible that the original Jewish Old Testament may
have had it right when they considered the book to be a “Book of
Writings” located between Ester and Ezra-Nehemiah, Rather than a
“Book of Prophecy” as we now have it located after the great
books of prophecy Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekial in our current
translations. Apparently the translation done from Hebrew to Greek
by the 70 scholars assembled by Alexander the Great, called the LXX
or Septuagint, changed it at that time to a book of prophecy.
the first 6 chapters consist of heroic tales like Daniel in the lions
den, and the three Hebrew children in a fiery furnace. The last 6
chapters seem to be a collection of apocalyptic dreams by Daniel.
Daniel had little problems in interpreting the complex dreams of
Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian king, he found his own dreams almost
impossible to interpret. Even though in Daniel 1:17 it says, “And
God gave knowledge, mastery of all literature, and wisdom to these
four men. Daniel himself gained understanding of every type of vision
and dream.”
The part that dreams can play in our own spiritual life
is somewhat fascinating. Although I don't think all dreams are
necessarily from God, I am convinced by my own experience and friends
experience that some dreams are sent by God for our own comfort,
challenge, understanding or edification.
Daniel's dream has been interpreted by many great bible
scholars over the years, and may or may not be relevant to our times
and it may or may not be about the new European union of 10 countries
or about the Catholic Church lead by the Pope in Rome.
Most commentators agree it may have been a foretelling
of things to come or things that had already transpired. The four
beast or winds could imply the great earthly kingdoms of Babylonia,
Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome as they progressed though history.
thinking could be that since the Roman Empire was never conquered,
that now the European Union, represents that part of the dream when
Daniel sees the beast with 10 horns and one of those horns is a
braggart that consumed or replaced three of the original horns which
would make it 8 horns, maybe that horn was Russia of the 20th
century or maybe its is the United States that comes out of the
European nations in the 17th
good news for us is the fact that Daniel also saw the “Son of man”
or “one like a human” come and appear before the “Ancient One”
and “all people, nations and
languages will serve him” His rule is an everlasting one..... his
kingship is indestructible.”
message to those in captivity, was a message of hope, today we can
accept it also as a message of hope. God is in control of the future,
we can not change it, only God can make changes to His plan. There
is nothing we can do, except, what the people of Nineveh did, when
Jonah told them to repent or in 40 days they would be destroyed,
their repentance saved them from God's original plan of judgment.
hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness”
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