Sunday School Lesson for April 21, 2013
Text: I Thessalonians 4:13-5:11
To encourage one another in the Christian hope of final victory
Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 (CEB)
Brothers and sisters, we want you to know about people who have
died so that you won’t mourn like others who don’t have any
hope.14 Since we believe that Jesus died and rose, so we also believe
that God will bring with him those who have died in Jesus. 15
What we are saying is a message from the Lord: we who are alive and
still around at the Lord’s coming definitely won’t go ahead of
those who have died.16 This is because the Lord himself will come
down from heaven with the signal of a shout by the head angel and a
blast on God’s trumpet. First, those who are dead in Christ will
rise. 17 Then, we who are living and still around will be taken
up together with them in the clouds to meet with the Lord in the air.
That way we will always be with the Lord. 18 So encourage each
other with these words.
We don’t need to write to you about the timing and dates, brothers
and sisters. 2 You know very well that the day of the Lord is
going to come like a thief in the night. 3 When they are saying,
"There is peace and security," at that time sudden
destruction will attack them, like labor pains start with a pregnant
woman, and they definitely won’t escape.4 But you aren’t in
darkness, brothers and sisters, so the day won’t catch you by
surprise like a thief. 5 All of you are children of light and
children of the day. We don’t belong to night or darkness. 6
So then, let’s not sleep like the others, but let’s stay awake
and stay sober.7 People who sleep sleep at night, and people who get
drunk get drunk at night. 8 Since we belong to the day, let’s
stay sober, wearing faithfulness and love as a piece of armor that
protects our body and the hope of salvation as a helmet. 9
God didn’t intend for us to suffer his wrath but rather to possess
salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.10 Jesus died for us so that,
whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with him. 11
So continue encouraging each other and building each other up, just
like you are doing already.
Thoughts by Burgess Walter
the Book of Acts chapter 17 and verses 1-9 you will find a record of
a brief visit by Paul, Silas and Timothy to the seaport city of
Thessalonica in Macedonia. The stay was cut short because of some
street thugs, (Acts 17:5) and they went on to Berea about 50 miles to
the southwest. Eventually Paul ends up in Corinth and writes this
letter back to the church, because he could not return to
Thessalonica. All of this taking place around 50-51 AD. Which could
mean that this is the earliest of all of the New Testament writings.
writes this letter to the Thessalonian church in response to some
questions that Timothy brought back to him after a visit to that
congregation. (chapters 2-4)
begins the letter with some good sensible instruction on what it
means to be a Christian believer. And then takes on a bigger
question concerning losing those that you love by death. Remembering
that at the time of Paul, Christ was expected to return at any
moment and complete the creation of a new empire. Some in the
congregation felt cheated because they had lost loved ones who would
not be able to enjoy or participate in the new reign of Christ (or
the Messiah) on earth.
preaching on the resurrection of Christ, had evidently been
misunderstood. Paul tries to reassure this fledgling young body of
believers that the resurrection of Christ assures all believers that
there is the hope of eternal life with Jesus. Those that have died
or are now asleep, would be united with Jesus as well as all
believers at that meeting in the air. I remember back to my childhood
when we would sing that great spiritual “Meeting in the Air.”
As I remember the words they go like this; “There is going to
be a meeting in the air, in the sweet, sweet, bye and bye, I am going
to meet you, yes meet you over there, in that home beyond the sky.”
The final phrase is “Gods
own Son, will be the leading one, at that meeting in the air.
Paul's words to the Thessalonians should be an
encouragement for us. Over two-thousand years later we, the church,
are still looking forward to that “meeting in the air.” As
Christians we have a unique hope in an eternal home, dwelling with
Christ and with all Christians through-out time that are asleep in
Our job in the meantime is to stay ready, and working to
make sure everyone we know is ready for the time when we either go to
sleep in Christ or we participate in His triumphant return and help
Christ establish a new heaven and a new earth.
says in our last verse, “So continue
encouraging each other and building each other up, just like you are
doing already.”
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