Sunday School Lesson for Sunday July 28, 2013
Text: Ezra 8:24-30
feel awe when God trusts us with holy things
8:24-30 (CEB)
Then I selected twelve of the leading priests, Sherebiah and
Hashabiah and ten of their relatives with them. 25 I weighed out
to them the silver and the gold and the equipment, the offering for
the house of our God that the king, his counselors, his officials,
and all Israel present there had offered. 26 I weighed out into
their keeping six hundred fifty kikkars of silver, one hundred silver
containers weighing a certain number of kikkars, one hundred kikkars
of gold,27 twenty gold bowls worth one thousand darics, and two
containers of highly polished copper, which were as precious as
gold. 28 I said to them, "You are holy to the Lord,
and the equipment is holy; the silver and the gold are a spontaneous
gift to the Lord, the God of your ancestors. 29 Guard them
carefully until you weigh them out in Jerusalem before the officials
of the priests, the Levites, and the heads of the families of Israel,
within the rooms of the Lord’s house." 30 So the
priests and the Levites received the silver and the gold and the
utensils as they were weighed out, in order to bring them to
Jerusalem, to our God’s house.
Thoughts by Burgess Walter
week's lesson immediately follows last week's lesson in Ezra chapter
eight. If we had known how much gold and silver they were actually
transporting back to Jerusalem, we might have been a lot more
impressed with Ezra's decision to not ask the King of Persia for a
military escort. The faith and trust in God's protection, that Ezra
showed, is certainly commendable.
lesson is about the holiness of things and responsibilities that God
has entrusted to all of us. Ezra chose twelve, just like Christ chose
twelve. These twelve as well as the Apostles chosen by Jesus were
responsible see that God's treasure was guarded and brought safely to
the place God intended. One group was guarding gold and silver, the
other group was guarding and proclaiming the very word of God.
Failure of either group would have been a catastrophe, but God guided
each group to a conclusion that was God's intended purpose.
text makes it quite clear that when we are called to fill a position
within the workings of God's work, we need to take it seriously and
make certain that we ourselves become holy to God's call, and
sanctified for his service.
our text, the descendents of Levi were those that were called. God
had called the Levites to represent him to the entire family of
Israel. You may recall the God first demanded the first born son of
each family, but in Numbers 3:11-13 God made provision where the
Levites became a substitute for all of the first born sons. (11
The Lord spoke to Moses: 12 I claim the Levites from
the Israelites in place of all the oldest males who open an Israelite
womb. The Levites are mine 13 because all the oldest males are
mine. When I killed all the oldest males in the land of Egypt, I
reserved for myself all the oldest males in Israel, both humans and
animals. They are mine; I am the Lord.)
In today's text, we see the Levites again being used by
God. The amount of gold, silver and polished copper represents
several tons of wealth being transported safely back to Jerusalem.
Where did all of this come from and what were the
different reasons for contributing to this fund? The largest
contribution came from the King of Persia and his court. The King was
primarily returning what Nebuchadnezzar had stole from the temple. Or
in other words it already belonged to the Jews and their God. Others
that gave, were those that chose to stay in Babylon rather than
return to Jerusalem, maybe out of quilt. Some of the Kings court
probably gave out of pride, because the King gave, they gave. Others
may have given out of a sense of obligation. All reasons we give to
our local church.
Clif Christopher,
of the Horizons Stewardship Company,
the top three reasons we give to our local church. (1) A belief in
the mission of the institution. (2) Regard for the staff leadership;
and (3) fiscal responsibility of the institution.
I think we can turn that around and say the reason we do not give are
possibly the same reasons. That is why those that take the
responsibilities seriously are to be commended. Ezra picked a good
team and the people had great confidence in his selection. Dedicated
and sanctified workers are part of a holy appointment.
Very helpful in understanding the Sunday School lesson in contemporary times. I often check for reflection on Saturdays.
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