Sunday School Lesson for August 25, 2013
Text: Nehemiah 13: 15-22
To learn to honor, observe, and respect holy time
Lesson Background Nehemiah 13:4-31
13:15-22 (CEB)
those days I saw people in Judah using the winepresses on the
Sabbath. They were also collecting piles of grain and loading them on
donkeys, as well as wine, grapes, figs, and every kind of load, and
then bringing them to Jerusalem on the Sabbath. I warned them at that
time against selling food.
addition, people from Tyre who lived in the city were bringing in
fish and all kinds of merchandise and selling them to the people of
Judah on the Sabbath. This happened in Jerusalem itself!
I scolded the officials of Judah: "What is this evil thing that
you are doing?" I asked. "You are making the Sabbath
impure! 18This is just what your ancestors did, and God brought
all this evil upon us and upon this city. And now you are bringing
more wrath upon Israel by making the Sabbath impure!"
when it began to grow dark at the gates of Jerusalem before the
Sabbath, I gave orders that the doors should be shut. I also ordered
that they shouldn’t be reopened until after the Sabbath. To make
sure that no load would come into the city on the Sabbath, I
stationed some of my own men at the gates. 20Once or twice the
traders and sellers of all kinds of merchandise spent the night
outside Jerusalem. 21But I warned them: "Why are you
spending the night by the wall? If you do that again, I will lay
hands on you!" At that point, they stopped coming on the
Sabbath. 22I also commanded the Levites to purify themselves and
to come and guard the gates in order to keep the Sabbath day holy.
this also in my favor, my God, and spare me according to the
greatness of your mercy.
Thoughts by Burgess Walter
the verses prior to our selected text, we find that Nehemiah had gone
back to Babylon, and put in some time working for King
Artaxerxes. After some time Nehemiah ask to go back to Jerusalem.
That is where our text begins.
Nehemiah comes
back to a very different Jerusalem than the one he left. When he left
they had celebrated the wall being completed and Nehemiah may have
thought his work was done. However it is amazing, when left without
direction and supervision, how soon we regress back to old habits and
how selfish we become.
The high priest
had corrupted the temple, and obviously had sold rooms to non Jews
and prior enemies. Those Levites that were responsible for keeping
the temple in order had returned to their farms, because they were no
longer being paid. Not only had the temple been defiled, the Sabbath
was no longer being set aside as a day of rest as had been instructed
by God and Moses.
What happens
when we become lax in our worship and no longer attend Sunday
services on a regular basis? It is usually not long before we find
more profitable things to do with our Sundays. It soon becomes OUR
day and not the LORDS
day. The people in and around Jerusalem found it to be a great day
to buy and sell, more of a market day than a Sabbath.
Left to our own
devices we are a sinful and uncaring people. Our concerns become
about us and how we can improve our standing in our community. We no
longer share our possessions with the needy, or have any concern
about the condition of our church buildings and programs, we become
selfish and use Sundays to buy and sell and no longer consider God as
a part of the Sabbath.
Maybe it was
this passage of scripture that some have used to enforce the old
“blue laws” that were popular back in the first half of our prior
century. Nehemiah closed the gates of the city, to enforce a holy
Sabbath. Blue laws forbid stores from being open on Sundays, there
may be some places where this still applies. But for the most part
it is one of the best days for business in our society today.
Even in our
lifetime Sundays were a time when we called on sick friends or
relatives, we tried to do things that brought honor to God, it was
not a time for selfishness. Today it is a great day for commerce,
movies, golf, fishing or catching up on our chores. Not all of these
things are bad in themselves, and God can be included in many of
these activities.
How can we use
our Sundays better? What activities can make the Sabbath dedicated
to God and not ourselves? How do pastors set apart a Sabbath for
themselves? If your occupation requires you to work on the Sabbath,
when is your Sabbath day? God deserves our honor and respect, and He
requires we observe a Sabbath.
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